Thursday, 9 August 2018

BIC Pen for Girls...

So, I took A level English Language and for part of my coursework I had to write a persuasive article and I really liked this piece I wrote so I thought I'd share it.  This is a feminist piece on the BIC pen for girls which I think we can all agree is pathetic as I, very sarcastically, present in this piece (p.s I got a B for this...go me)

BIC Issue

I’ve wanted to write an article for a while but I couldn’t because I was unable to get my hands on the ‘right’ pen. But now, finally, BIC have released a pen…for girls!  After 188 years of us women using boy pens (gross, I know) we finally have a pink, girly, sparkly pen made to fit into the petite and delicate hands of girls. It’s about time really. I was worn down and weary of having to use masculine pens - thankfully, the new pens have good grip which helps due to my lack of physical strength. Not to mention, the packaging has flowers on so obviously I was drawn to them like a housewife to her hoover. Finally, a pen that matches my floral apron, how long does a girl have to wait? Now all I need is some pretty pink paper, a heart stamp and I’m all set! 💖💋💄

If only we could close the gender pay gap sooner so I could afford two pens because clearly we are happy to pay a higher price to show the world our femininity.

But this pen is a women’s sword. This gives us a tiny amount of power over men. With this mighty pen, men can only produce squiggles. They simply can’t write with it. But what happens when men are in desperate need of a pen but only a pen for girls is available? What would men do? Would their handwriting go all loopy? Would their dots over their i’s turn into little hearts? Scary thoughts.

To think I used to have to do a lipstick stained kiss as my signature before these revolutionary pens came into use.

You females reading may be desperate to know how you get your dainty little hands on these? Simple, ask a male companion to go earn the money to do so for you. Now, I must go back to writing my shopping list.

All jokes aside, Malala Yousafzai a young, Pakistani activist fought for education for women and went through hell in order to succeed - her next campaign may well be to provide a pink pen for every female? After all, how can women ever right anything of importance with a blue pen. I really hope she doesn’t hear about this as she may wonder what she was fighting for.

To uncover why its taken all this time to create a pen suitable for half the worlds population I turned to BIC’s mission statement for the company - “To connect people in business and industry with one another for the betterment of all.” What are they trying to better? If multi-national company BIC want to make “betterment” for all then I can point them in the right direction. There’s a charity for School for Justice in India. The School for Justice is a remarkable school that trains girls who have survived sex trafficking and have been forced into prostitution to become lawyers. Which, in turn means that the girls can aim to use their law degree to prosecute the traffickers, helping bring them to justice and prevent a new
generation of girls falling victim. So I say BIC, if you’re reading this, instead of making a useless pen for girls, make ‘betterment’ for those poor girls.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve made a lot of progress towards equality: equal pay act, freedom to vote but we obviously still have a bit to go. The United Nations views gender equality as a human right yet discrimination towards females across the globe still happens every day. Only last week did I finish up my run around the village upset as I had two idiots who felt the need to comment on my body as they were driving past in their crappy Vauxhall Corsa.

To name one of many ‘sexist pigs’, Donald Trump (surely no shock to anyone) known for his many highly offensive and sexist phrases. A few of his popular phrases include “A person who’s flat chested is very hard to be a 10/10, Okay?”, “if Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”.  And to mention just a few of the names he’s called women: dog, slob, fat, pig and disgusting animal. We have a huge way to go, if the leader of the ‘greatest free country in the world’ still writes this down. It’s one step forward and five steps back.

In the news recently, retail giant John Lewis whipped up a storm by announcing they weren’t segregating the boys and girl’s clothing department anymore. A whopping 85% of people were offended by this. What’s their problem? This shows how slowly things are changing and how segregation between boys and girls is so deep rooted in our society. A lot of people feel threatened by the idea that girls can do everything that boys can do.

Seriously though, how patronising to market a pen to women that’s more expensive because it’s pink. I can’t quite imagine Theresa May or Hillary Clinton demanding that their PA finds them a girl’s pen to sign off public policies…

P.s I haven’t yet got a female keyboard so I hope you all can understand this.

Friday, 6 July 2018

Student tips: How to ACTUALLY Earn Money Online

With everything going on at the moment and some people losing their jobs and being careful with their money I thought I'd share my tips on earning money online as well as tips on saving money. I'm a very savvy person and I thrive in finding the cheapest deals, discount codes and earning money whilst sat at home!

First, two ways to earn money that actually work and I use everyday!

1.  Get cashback everytime you shop

There's many cashback websites but I've found TopCashBack to be my personal favouritw.

You need to drill it into your brain to go through TopCashBack when online shopping because I used to always forgot and then you're missing out on free money!

Here's a screenshot of my earnings from the past three weeks, it all adds up so quickly and it's free money! All you have to do is go to TopCashBack, search the website and it will direct you and then the rest is the exact same

If you havn't signed up yet click here to get started!

2. Do Surveys

I know everyone says this and there's so many websites but I have one survey webite that I use every day. QMEE!!! I use the Qmee app on my phone instead of the desktip version just because it's easier.

Qmee is the only survey website I've come across that doesn't have a minimum amount before you can withdraw your funds.  So I can do one survey and get 30p and transfer it straight to my PayPal account!  It can take time to complete the surveys but I tend to fill out surveys when watching Netflix or whilst I'm eating dinner.  Just yesterday I made £5 which I think is pretty good considering it's whilst I was binge watching Glee!

Now three ways to save money!

1.  ALWAYS search for a discount code

I will never complete an online order without searching for a discount code. However,  recently I found an extension for Chrome called 'Piggy'.  Once you're at checkout it automatically finds all the possible discount codes and inputs them for you.  Never miss a discount code again!

2. Check second hand selling websites!!!

Ebay, Depop, Facebook Marketplace!

I would go into a store to try on an item of clothing and then see if I could find it on Depop for a fraction of the price!  Or go into a store and look at, for example a Coffee machine and get a second-hand one on Facebook Marketplace for near to nothing!

3. Get Freebies

It's become part of my routine that every morning I check Latest Free Stuff for any freebies!  It's usually quite random stuff but I've got loads of free perfume samples, washing tablets, razors, food vouchers and so much more!

So these are just a few things I do to save money and earn money online.  It's become part of my routine!

Thanks for reading,

Soph x

Friday, 29 June 2018

Amsterdam 2018

Last week I visited Amsterdam for 3 days with my bestie Beth. This is just a post mainly for memory purpose but enjoy

The Fault In Our Stars Bench

I Amsterdam Sign

Banksy Museum

 The shopping is amazing in Amsterdam!

as is the food...

The Ice Bar

 Breakfast @ Bakers and Roasters (highly reccomend)

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Kiehls x Nyx Glow Masterclass Event

I was invited to the KiehlsxNyx Glow Masterclass event in The Hockley Arts Club in Nottingham (which can I add is so beautiful like look at the blossom trees) The lovely Kiehls team showed us a whole skin routine and let us try the products before the amazing makeup artist from Nyx showed us a gorgeous natural makeup look. 

Kiehls were sharing their new product the 'Glow Formula Skin Hydrator' which is infused with pomegranate extract. It smelt amazing and left a gorgeous glow on your skin, might have to invest!

I now want every single Kiehls and Nyx product! I've used Nyx before but never Kiehls and I was so impressed with the products and majority sounded perfect for my dry skin.

I had such a lovely evening, met loads of other lovely bloggers and fell in love with Kiehls as a brand so all in all, fab evening!


Insta: thesophielorraine

Twitter: sophielorrain3

Sunday, 29 April 2018

My Visit to Auschwitz

So, this post is a little different from all my others but I feel like it's important to share.

I was a little apprehensive to post this but I feel like Auschwitz is something in which everyone has to experience and I feel like I should share my experience and also it allows me to reflect on what I saw and learnt.

I was lucky enough to take part in the Lessons From Auschwitz Project which allows two students, from many schools, a 3 part project. This includes a seminar where you meet a survivor of the holocaust, a day trip to Auschwitz and a session after to reflect on the trip.

In the first seminar, we met our educators and our groups and had a talk from Janine Webber. Janine survived the Holocaust and was a child in hiding. She went through so much that I can't even put it into words. She is an amazing women and I feel privileged to have met her.

The trip to Poland was definitely a life changing trip. After almost 7 hours of walking around the camps, with no time to reflect, I found myself on the coach back to the airport speechless and feeling nothing. It was such a weird feeling to have.


Auschwitz was the first, main camp built by the Nazi's. It held around 16,000 prisoners at a time. However, between 1940 and 1945, the Nazis sent at least 1.3 million people to Auschwitz. About 1.1 million of these people died or were killed.  Upon arriving at Auschwitz, I was shocked at how close to the main road it was. How people would pass it day to day just going to work.  There was this weird atmosphere in the air, no birds flying in the air, just silence.  The first thing you came along in Auschwitz was the infamous sign ARBEIT MACH FREIT” –Work will set you free. Less than 10% of those who walked into Auschwitz survived. Walking around and hearing all these facts from my tour guide was so hard to hear, especially when we were stood exactly where they were 80 years prior.

During the whole tour of Auschwitz, I had no emotion.  All that I was thinking was that I was stood in the place where millions of people murdered. Stood in the gas chambers and walking the paths made the reality of what happened sink in. Upon entering a dark room that had home pictures and videos projected onto the wall, I burst into tears. Then leaving the room, again i felt nothing. It was so surreal.

The concentration camp of Auschwitz is unique because each of the barracks is actually a museum which shares the process of the executions, the life at the concentration camps and history lessons in general that will help you to gain a better understanding of what took place here. 

For me, there were two parts that hit me the most. Firstly, the rooms filled with the peoples belongings. It showed the sheer scale of the tragic event. The rooms consisted of peoples Glasses, Suitcases, Shoes (80,000) and personal belongings (including pots and pans) all piled up. But, there was one room which showed the hair of all the people (because when you entered Auschwitz they shaved your head). The exact same hair from the heads of the millions who died. Real human hair piled up.

Secondly, there was a room with the 'Book of Names'. The most physical representation of the amount of people murdered. This book consisted of each persons (of who they found)  first and last name, where they were born and how they were murdered. It has 4.2 million names in. The photo only shows one side of the book, which was several meters long and the pages were very large and very thin. 


Birkenau was a camp just for Jews. It was the largest death and concentration camp. 

Again, I was shocked how close Birkenau was to the main road. I saw two people having driving lessons on the road right outside the camp.  Birkenau has the train track going straight through the centre of the camp. The track that went in, but never went out.

Birkenau was a huge open space which held this atmosphere that's indescribable. There was some wooden barracks where the Jews slept which consisted of a number of wooden, triple bunk beds. The barracks were not water proof, the beds had thin straw mattresses and there could be up to 10 people on each bunk. 

We then saw some gas chambers which were partially destroyed in an attempt to cover up what they had done. 

Walking along the paths,  I still couldn't believe they were the exact same paths the Jew's were walking on. With the exact same grass and trees around me. We finished the tour at the shower block. Jew's would be stripped down and showered with ice cold water before being given their clothes and shoes. Only one set of clothes and only one pair of shoes. 

At the end of the trip, we had a Memorial with a Rabbi. It consisted of poems read by group members and then an inspirational speech from the Rabbi. We then all lit candles and placed them around the train track.  It was a beautiful way to end the trip as a sort of tribute.

Now, there's so much more to say and share about the visit. But,  almost 2 months since i went and it's still hard to put it into words.

I believe a trip to Auschwitz is a must for every one. Hearing is not the same as seeing. With Auschwitz being a dark tourism site it's weird to say i enjoyed it, but I did. Learning about it, seeing it, standing in gas chambers and on the paths of where millions of people did 80 years ago is a surreal feeling but I think it needs to be felt. 

I also think we're forgetting that the liberation of German Nazi concentration and extermination camps were only liberated 73 years ago. This didn't happen hundreds of years ago. Our Grandparents were alive whilst this was going on.

So, if you live in the UK and in year 12 or 13 you can try and get involved in the Lessons from Auschwitz project and get involved in experiencing and sharing what you learn. Or, if you're interested just try and visit Auschwitz!

I know this post won't interest some people but I really wanted to share my experience! Thank you for reading x